Forum Rules

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Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:38 pm

Post by Rob »

I would like to remind all forum members to follow our relatively laid back approach to ensure these forums remain user-friendly.

We promote a mutual code of conduct here and ask that you respect each other at all times.

We ask you to behave in a manner that is non-intimidatory and non-abusive and therefore help us maintain a friendly atmosphere for all users.

No direct or indirect personal attacks or insults of any kind will be allowed. Posts which antagonise, belittle or humiliate other members and/or the moderators will not be tolerated, nor will racism, sexism, bigotry, hatred, violent language, threats, insults, swearing, flaming, otherwise inappropriate or hurtful language, harassment.

Thanks for your understanding and for following the above.
